Book 1 - The Kindling

Many people in this world achieve their Kindling by the time they are sixteen. It is an astonishing phenomenon where a human conjures magic for the very first time in their lives.

But there are those who struggle, people who are late to their Kindling. People like Marcus, who has only just turned nineteen.

In a vast world of magic, grand cities, airships, ancient ruins, and stunning creatures in places beyond imagination, the determined can become illustrious sorcerers. Marcus and his sister Theresa, feel quite left behind.

Living in a rustic cabin, tucked neatly within the dense forests of the frigid realm of Fjallheim, Marcus wishes greatly to become a student at the Amberforth Arcane Academy in the neighbouring realm of North Hjarta.

His timid, over-protective sister, Theresa, thinks otherwise.

But when Ronin, a mercenary turned outlaw, quite literally bumps into them while on the run, the three must reluctantly work together to save the realm of North Hjarta from annihilation.

But Ronin begins to suspect that there’s more to Marcus than what is seen on the surface. Can a secret really be kept forever?

In the first installment of the Starlight Symphony Saga, Marcus takes the first steps to become a legendary Valkyrie Field Agent just like his father.

But can he toss aside his fears, conquer himself and rise to the occasion to finally be a hero?

Or will the entire land, and those he loves, suffer the consequences of his juvenile actions?




  • Marcus Westergaard has a great many dreams and aspirations for such a young boy, but with little to no means to achieve them.

    Having not unlocked his magical potential yet, his dream of becoming a great sorcerer like his father wane with every heliocycle. Though he is hopeful for the Amberforth Arcane Academy to take him in as a student like his father before him, financial and family obstacles prove near unsurpassable. Many questions of his identity and his future remain unanswered as whispers of fear, doubt and insecurity cloud his mind.

    Quiet desperation eats at his soul as the window of opportunity to take control of his life, seems to shrink every birthday. But while he may think that his hope of adventure and magic shall soon end, it will soon prove to be only the beginning...

  • Theresa Dragonette has not smiled since her father died. Losing both parents so young rendered her the only family that her step-brother, Marcus, had left. And vice versa.

    Growing up in the frigid snow mountains and icy streams of Fjallheim chilled her heart, making her severely and obsessively protective of her brother. Despite Marcus's attempts to walk in Dad's footsteps, Theresa cannot help but protect him from anything and everything. All the while remaining so silent that her voice is more privilege than right.

    Only Marcus knows that Theresa can certainly be happy inside, the distinct golden flash in her emerald eyes saying more than words.

    However, a fear of change has frozen her in time and place, making her neither let go nor hold on. The risk of loss of another loved one could prove unbearable, but things may worsen if they remain as they are. But soon, events set in motion by people of past and present, especially Marcus, may just be what Theresa needs to be thrown out of the throes of apathy...

  • To say that the notorious Ronin Caryle was dealt a bad hand early in life would be an understatement.

    Hardship, grit and an unforgiving world were the catalysts that toughened the mercenary inside and out. With a mother long since vanished and a ferocious, neglectful father, Ronin as a mere juvenile, ran away with his dependant little brother, who is proving more and more each season to be a greater liability.

    In a matter or self-preservation, he grew up in the dregs of the criminal underbelly that hangs within and beyond the coasts of the Hjartan Empire. Some say he learnt sleight of hand before he could talk.

    And none have proven greater with a firearm than he.

    After many heliocycles digging deeper into all the ways of the thief, the mercenary and the pirate, Ronin came to sit at the table of the legendary Scarlet Fraternity, the most respected and feared crime syndicate across the entire continent.

    Ronin has walked precariously on the line between good and evil, the risk of falling turning heavy. But despite his chaotic life, nothing can prepare him for the events that will soon unfold and change the course of his life forevermore.

    For better or worse...